Monday, February 16, 2015

Getting Back on the Water

     It's been quite a while since we've been on our boat, almost 6 months. I've had some time out on other boats, but it's been hard with everything that has been going on in our personal life and with work. I hope to make some more videos or time lapses this spring as we venture around with White Raven. We only sailed for an hour or two around the marina, though we planned on making it the 6 miles to Chief Timothy to anchor out for the night. I made sure to have Amanda speak up when she had enough and I figured I didn't want to motor the last 4 miles to anchorage, so we stayed at the dock for the night.

     Though we weren't heeling much on video, when you've been away for so long and forget that feeling, it can be a little scary. I want her to feel comfortable on the water, so we'll be easing back into the sailing. She was able to get the motor running in the morning and she captained the s/v White Raven safely to port. I breath sailing in every free moment I have in my day. My literature selection has recently been solely maritime in nature, and I have to realize some people don't huff boats to keep themselves going, and I'll have plenty more time on the water with Amanda to get her more comfortable with the boat.

     I have a sailing buddy who has helped me with everything I need to fix my sails and we'll be getting his and my boat fresh sails in the next few weeks. I'm going to put some reef points into the main when I fix it too so that it will be ready for this summer's cruising trip to the Gulf Islands with the sailing club. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video, I'm trying out different features on YouTube, so bear with me as I learn. Fair winds!

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