Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tribune Cup 2014

          This past weekend was a annual race sponsored by the Lewiston Tribune, which drew a small collective of San Juan 21 sailors from all reaches of Eastern Washington. Many of the fellow sailors I knew, but there were plenty of new faces as well, and the competition was steep! Well, at least as far as all the San Juan’s were concerned. I was fortunate enough to be crewing with Mike Bradley, a jack-of-all-trades and master story teller, upon his Macgregor 26. We weren't much competition, with the low to non-existing breeze, we struggled to move on the race course for most of the event, but that didn't stop us from sailing! With wind ripples just around the next bend we high-tailed it down river after / during race one of each day’s sail. Lucky for us, the wind was livelier just down river. Though I can’t say that we ever completed a course, we did have a splendid weekend on the river. Mike’s 26 was equipped with a spinnaker and pole, which made the light wind runs pleasant, and was a new experience for me. We cruised and chatted up and down the river, returning in time for some good eats with the rest of the sailors, friends, and families. As Mike said, “We might not win a race, but we are the prettiest boat out here.” Any day you get to sail is a good day in my book, and last weekend was no exception!
All the San Juan 21's rounding the first mark.

Mike working the sails on deck.

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